In Gambling Free Feed we look at the phenomenon of problematic gambling from a preventive perspective. This means we want to develop tools and approaches which help, particular people of young age, to build a healthy attitude towards gambling, one which is protecting from its harms. Here are the main project outputs we are aiming at:
Training for Experts by Experience on gambling harm prevention
After reviewing up-to-date evidence-based methods and best practices on gambling harm prevention we develop a training model tailored towards Experts by Experience. Click here to find out more about Experts by Experience. While piloting the training and enhancing their knowledge and skills on harms prevention we will also create suitable materials for their future work, such as a handbook and videos.
Volunteer work model to reduce youth gambling related harms
Within this series of trainings, young people are first trained to act as volunteers. Then, the previously trained experts by experience provide their expertise to young volunteers by training them on how to tackle risk factors such as exposure to gambling advertising/content on social media, increasing their media literacy skills and on how to prevent gambling problems from escalating. Lastly, a training by gambling harms prevention professionals and authorities about effective and evidence-based gambling harms prevention is developed. By compiling the established training models and methods into a handbook, another building block for the creation of an e-learning platform at a later stage is laid.
Campaigning & Influencing
While training young volunteers on campaigning and influencing via social media, supportive campaigning materials such as videos are produced. Once prepared, the actual campaign by young volunteers is launched and evaluated for further improvements.
Communications & Dissemination
To maximize our impact and to reach our target group better, relevant communication channels are activated, including social media and traditional public media outlets. Furthermore, the cooperation with the European Gambling Harms Prevention Network is strengthened to increase our reach with project outputs on the European level. Also, through a survey on young people’s exposure to gambling content on social media, more data for effective harms prevention measures is collected.
Final eLearning training course (pedagogy & materials)
With the final e-learning platform/app all the content and materials on gambling harms prevention which were developed during the project are made accessible. Depending on the target group or language, courses with different sections allow to deliver evidence- and experience-based information tailor fit to the individual needs. The e-learning course/ platform ensures that awareness about youth gambling related harms and know-how about supporting youth in creating healthy attitudes towards gambling is promoted sustainably.