What is Gambling Free Feed about?
Young people experience a continuously strong exposure to gambling content. Not only through their peers and close ones, but also the developments of digitalization bring upon new channels and platforms through which gambling content is displayed and followed. Young people, often unaware of the true nature and impact of gambling, are at risk of sliding into gambling activities with more harmful consequences. With this project we are aiming to develop effective measures for creating preventive attitudes against gambling harms for young people. While gambling harm prevention work exists to some extend in each participating country, we seek to link existing expertise, methods and practices, enriching them with evidence-based approaches to develop effective models. Prevention work must be done across sectoral boundaries to reach a wider target group of at-risk gamblers and their closed ones. Through the collaboration between actors in non-formal education, training, and youth we intend to create an e-learning training to prevent and reduce youth gambling related harms.
Similar to a web feed or news feed, which is a data format through which users are “fed” with continuously updated content, our e-learning training as the final project output has the aim to provide our target group with up-to-date and most effective models and information to prevent gambling harms amongst youth.
In order to overcome the challenge to reach our main target group, the at-risk youth, professionals and policy makers as well as peers, friends and other close ones play an important role in the prevention framework and are therefore part of the wider target group.
Based on the successful Expert by Experience model within the problem gambling recovery work, this project seeks to utilize and adapt the model towards gambling harms prevention. Different training models will be developed according to the target group and purpose. Another important approach we will take to create preventive attitudes against gambling harms for young people is regular communication and networking through social media and other relevant channels. In particular campaigning activities we aim to further raise awareness of the youth gambling phenomenon by providing information, tools and possibilities to connect. While joining forces with other important actors we also seek to contribute to the policy level dialogue.
The partner organizations:
This 32 month long Erasmus+ project with funding from the European Union has started in December 2022 and is coordinated by Sosped within a consortium of 4 more partner organizations. STANDO from Cyprus, Pista Magica from Portugal, FEJAR from Spain and KENTHEA also from Cyprus. Another important associated partner is MARINA YIANNIKOURI as Head of Responsible Gaming & Social Responsibility from Cyprus Gaming + Casino Supervision Commission